

There are two species of frigatebirds that are commonly found in the Caribbean, including Jamaica: the Magnificent Frigatebird (Fregata magnificens) and the Lesser Frigatebird (Fregata ariel).

The Magnificent Frigatebird is the larger of the two species and is mostly black with a long, angular wingspan and a distinctive forked tail. The male has a bright red throat pouch that it inflates during courtship displays. The Lesser Frigatebird is smaller and darker than the Magnificent Frigatebird, with a shorter wingspan and a squared-off tail. Its throat pouch is also smaller and less colorful than that of the Magnificent Frigatebird.

Both species of frigatebirds are skilled aerialists and are often seen soaring effortlessly over the ocean, using their long, narrow wings to stay aloft for hours at a time. They are also known for their ability to steal food from other birds in midair, as they are unable to dive into the water to catch fish like many other seabirds.

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